When appearing for the Maths Olympiad, students need to prepare dedicatedly .Olympiads can hence be greatly rewarding opportunities. IMO preparation requires dedicated effort, thus to guide students and to help them improve upon their performance, Olympiad Exam has put out a variety of educational resources that are aimed to aid students in the best of ways, the Mathematics Olympiad Preparation Material includes compilation of previous year question papers, model papers, and much more. All registered students can avail the mock test before the exam. The Olympiads are prepared such that a student’s knowledge and understanding of a subject is tested. The resources can be used for practice which helps one build upon their basics, while sharpening their mental abilities and skills of practical reasoning and analysis. The Maths Olympiad preparation material can be easily availed at the Olympiad Exam website, besides the stated material timed assignments and a scoreboard is made available for one as well.